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Universal Celestial Calendar


One Planet - One People - One Calendar

A Link to Freeman CalendarCalendar


Litmus A
                  Freeman (written)
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Get Back In Sync With Nature's Cycles With The UCC

Realise Where We've Been, Where We Are Now and Where We're Going!

Make Sense of Yesterday, Understand Today and Anticipate Tomorrow


"Hippy" New Year 13525!

(2024/25 Gregorian)

Download the 13525 UCC Year Planner & Calendar Converter

Download the 13525 UCC Full Year Calendar (includes Year Planner)

These are specific to this year and include all Moon Phases & Solar Ingress Times to each Tropical Zodiac Sign

(The 'Downloads' in the menu at the top of this page, under the title, are Generic and work for any year but don't include Moon & Sun info)


UCC Graphic

A Perennial, Balanced Zodiac, Solar Calendar

Re-aligning us with the Seasons, the Zodiacs


our Universal Celestial Cycles of Time & Collective Consciousness


Year Numbers Measure 'The Great Year'

Aligned with the 24,000 Year 'Precession of the Equinoxes'

Current Year  13,525  of 24,000

13525 Corresponds to the year 1,525 Ascending in Consciousness since the bottom of The Kali Yuga/Iron Age/Age of Ignorance)


325 Dwapara Yuga Ascending/Bronze Age Ascending/Age of Electricity


Features of the UCC Year


Features of the UCC Year


A Standard (Non Leap) UCC Year Consists Of:


Special (Seasonal) Days



Standard Days


The 5 Special (Seasonal) Days

Are 'Intercalary' Days

(off the standard calendar)

These are made up of:


1 New Year's Day

Celebrates the start of a New Orbit


4 New Season's Days

Celebrate the Start of each Season at the Equinoxes & Solstices


(Leap Years have 6 Special Days)


The 360 Standard Days

are made up of:


4 Seasons of 90 Days called 'Quarters'

Closely aligned with the Equinoxes & Solstices


12 Months of 30 Days called 'Triads'

Three per Quarter

Closely aligned with the Zodiac Signs


36 Weeks of 10 Days called 'Decans'

Three per Triad



There are also

8 Seasonal Festivals

Celebrating the Equinoxes & Solstices and the Mid Season Points

Aligned with the 'Eight Fold Year'

(At the start and middle of each Season)  


Learn More


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Visit The 'About' Page


For An In Depth Explanation

Visit The 'Wiki' Page

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©Litmus A Freeman/Universal Celestial Calendar 13512 UCC (2012 Gregorian) Onwards

Calendar Clock Programming by Prajna Pranab © Troubadour Community Trust